Monday, February 2, 2009

What is greatness? What is it that makes a man Great? When the poets of old penned the words that brought their fame, did they know they would be revered, quoted, misquoted and misunderstood for centuries to come? Or were they merely writing down what their heart was screaming to them? Where the speakers of the quotes that stir our soul and shake us to the core every time we hear them intentionally attempting to utter timeless words, or was it just what seemed most logical to say at the time? Do great people know they are great? The dreamers, visionaries, those who accomplished what the world could not live without, are they the great ones? What if greatness was measured by how well a man knew himself? Surely this is a feat few have ever really achieved. How can we know if have fully achieved this?
I have so many questions, most came from answers to other questions. The more I know, the more I know how much I don't know. I have very little experience in this field but I would imagine that the questions which are asked by those who do not know who they are far more agonizing. My questions, after the frustration of confusion dissipates, bring the promise of joy. I have found the Truth, and it has set me free.


  1. po·et·ry
    Pronunciation: \ˈpō-ə-trē, -i-trē also ˈpȯ(-)i-trē\
    Function: noun
    Date: 14th century
    1 a: metrical writing : verse b: the productions of a poet : poems
    2: writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm.
    That's what Webster has to say on the subject. When you read the definition it sounds dry and boring, but poetry has the ability to elicit an emotional response that transcends gender, race & culture. The authors who pen them are as numerous & diverse as their reasons for writing them. Poetry runs the gamut from humerous Limericks (which originated in Ireland),The evocative Japanese Haiku to the epic "My Blah Story" which clocks in at 98,728 words(whew!)written by an American.
    There is an author I want to introduce you to who who also did some writing. His name is God and his book is called the bible. This is His poem to humanity whose main purpose is to let us know how much He loves us and how desparately He wants us to love Him back. Pick it up and start reading. A word of caution though, be prepared to be transformed.

  2. Kyle I think you are qualified to answer most of your questions here as you are already a great man.
