Monday, November 26, 2012

Waking up on the Wrong Side of the Head

I don’t know about you, but I sometimes feel like Jason Bourne when I wake up in the morning.

Not in the super macho professional killer kind of way but in that I wake up and don’t know who I am. Strange things can happen in between the time that I lay my head down at night and when I wake up in the morning, and there is no telling who I will be when my alarm clock interrupts my nightly peace. I really have been trying to figure out what happens to me while I sleep for some time and have not come to any conclusive verdict. All I know is that sometimes I wake up super excited about life and other times I wake up and grumble all the way to the coffee pot.

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Hero Named Pac-Man

Way before Halo 4 and Black Ops 2, the fate of the world rested on one little joystick, a lot of quarters, and a hero named Pac-Man.
The concept was simple; run around a maze and eat all the little white dots while avoiding the ghosts and looking out for random fruit that could give you more life. Eat all of the dots and you get to move on to the next level. You could not move onto the next level until you had eaten every last dot.
I think I may have a mild case of OCD because when I play Pac-Man I have to eat all of those dots in the same order and I never ever leave one corner of the board without getting every last dot. I have had too many times where one lone dot in the opposite corner has stood between me and finishing the level. I hate going all the way back through a maze of angry ghosts to just pick up one last dot.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Mick Jagger in Tube Socks

Can you picture Mick Jagger wearing sandals with black tube socks living in a retirement community somewhere in Florida and driving a golf cart around to various Bingo establishments? Me either.

I think Mick Jagger was being prophetic when he sang to the masses the Rolling Stones’ hit “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” because the band went on to have three “farewell tours.” A Farewell tour is supposed to be when a band goes on stage for the last time and tells its’ fans that it has been a good run but it is time to just sit back and become a classic. Coming back after saying goodbye tells everybody that you are not satisfied with retired life.

Mick Jagger isn’t the only one who had a hard time finding some satisfaction; in the book of Esther we meet a guy named Haman who had the same problem.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Apples and Oranges

I have built this blog with the idea that God could use absolutely anything to reveal something to somebody.
I have compared worship to making macaroni art.
I have compared salvation to accepting free donuts on the side of the road.
Bad theology to hotdogs.
Faith in God to the angry British lady who lives inside your GPS.
Careers and life goals to a big bowl of grits.