Monday, February 2, 2009

No word on the tent, but God is definitely moving in ways I have never seen.

Early last week Barack Obama was elected President of the United States of America, against the will of every republican conservative evangelical such as myself. The media is rightly shouting from the rooftops how extraordinary it is of us to have evolved so far as to elect a black president, of which I agree is a great accomplishment. What the media is omitting though is what is increasingly intriguing me. The fact that the largest amount of young people in the history of the electoral college turned out on election day to cast their vote for Change inspires me to no end. A generation eager for change? Is that not what I have been screaming for? Maybe I'm not fighting a losing battle after all. Granted, the change I am referring to is doubtless very different than the change so screamed by our presidential Elect, but I have now seen it possible in this day and age to build an army of passionate youth, which of course is my intention. I told a very liberal democrat that Obama would have to overturn Roe vs. Wade to gain my full support (a feat I'm not sure the most conservative republican could achieve without Divine help), but I would like to thank him for gathering the troops.

One of the most constant features on any one of the millions of DVD's is the ability to view deleted scenes that didn't make it in the movie. I really don't like watching them because for the most part, they were deleted for a good reason, like being a bad piece of entertainment which is not enjoyable to view. Sometimes, though, these scenes by my opinion would have greatly increased the quality of the viewing experience, which leaves me disappointed knowing the movie could have been that much greater. In heaven, as I'm watching the DVD of my life (on a 10,000 inch flat screen with digital surround sound while seated in the world's greatest Lazy-Boy mind you) I wonder if my feelings toward the deleted scenes, what could have happened, will leave me agreeing with the Director for the way He edited my life or will I be disappointed that I didn't include the scenes which would have won me the Oscar?

I have the horrible feeling that I will learn the mysteries of the universe before I find out why God wants me to get a tent. Maybe I already know, the solution just doesn't fit in my brain.

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