Monday, December 3, 2012

The Seeded Grape Movement

I am in the process of starting a social activism movement that will blow the socks off of every other social activism movement in history.

Ok, maybe it won’t be that big, but hopefully it will be bigger than the “Save the Whales” campaign that inspired the making of the Free Willy saga, or the “Save the Rain Forest” campaign that inspired FernGully 1 and 2. Forget the whales, the bald eagles, and the rubber trees -I want to save the grapes.

I know you are probably thinking that we have plenty of grapes on this planet but have you ever thought about how counter-productive the seedless grape industry is? I mean, I never thought about it either until I found out some time ago that grapes actually are supposed to have seeds in them to grow more grapes and somehow somebody figured out one day how to remove a seed from inside a grape and stitch it back together so that the almighty consumer could enjoy grapes with ease. Or maybe they just grow them without seeds, which is just as weird but more likely. Regardless of how the seeds are removed, does it not make sense that the more seedless grapes we produce now, the fewer grapes the next generation will have? Is our desire to simply pop a grape into our mouth without worrying about choking a seed worth endangering this precious fruit in the generations to come?

I am going all out in this. It will start out small with just a Facebook Cause page that bombards you with invite notifications until you finally succumb with guilt to “liking” the page. Then it will grow to mass media marketing, billboards, and celebrity endorsements. I do not know who is running for President in 2016, but I can guarantee you that the issue of seedless grapes will be a major platform. And if I can legitimately establish that life of fruit begins as a seed then we are one step away from overturning Roe v. Wade that made abortion legal. The Seeded Grape Movement could literally save lives. This could be huge.

OK so maybe I am thinking a little bit too hard about this and maybe abolishing the seedless fruit industry is perhaps the dumbest thing someone could ever dedicate their life to, but I think it is very worthwhile to dedicate my life to preventing seedless Christians.

Seedless Christians are the ones who grow and look exactly the way that they are supposed to but there is nothing inside of them that will ever grow into something else. Seedless Christians are the ones who will never in their lifetime produce another Christian. Seedless Christians are the ones who live their whole life as fruit instead of bearing fruit.

Jesus said in Mathew 3:8 “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.”

In other words, “You asked me to forgive you of your sins. I did, now go and produce more fruit.”

I have heard awful statistics about how few Christ followers will ever share their faith with someone else and it really confuses me. How can we claim to be alive if we aren’t carrying anything inside of us that will bring life somewhere else? How can we be so concerned with who we are right now that the thought of a next generation never enters our mind? How did the Church become a bunch of seedless grapes that never makes more of itself? Everything that we have has been given to us to give away to other people. We are saved to save others.

I am not just talking about the co-worker God has been telling you to pray with or the unsaved neighbor God has been trying to get you to invite to church since they moved in. I am talking about your kids, your family, and your friends- the people you are already doing life with. Are you producing anything inside of them that will spread to other people? Are you planting seeds of dreams, encouragement, or revelation in others? Or are you more concerned with what is going on in your life? The thing about seeds is that they exist for no other reason than to produce the next generation. They are not beneficial to the fruit itself, but they are everything to the fruit that will come next. There are things inside of you that would bring life to other people if you would be willing to share them.

A Christian cannot follow Christ without multiplying uncontrollably. I don’t think we realize that inside of us are all the ingredients to change the world. That we have inside of us the knowledge and power to lead someone away from a destructive path leading to Hell and lead them toward spending eternity with the King of Glory. Plant a seed in someone’s life and watch it grow and multiply. Let that seed grow into more fruit with seeds that keep growing into more and more fruit. We can cover everyone the planet. All seven billion of them. And do you know what that will be?

 A bunch.

Did you see what I did there? Like a bunch of grapes! …Never mind.


Who are the people in your life who need what you have inside of you? Comment below with how you can speak into someone’s life today.


  1. I quite enjoyed that. :) May I post part of this on my status, giving you credit of course & directing them to your blog? ~Blessings
