I am going to pretend I am a dude version of Mrs. Frizzle
and pull out a Magic School Bus with a pet iguana and a politically correct assortment
of school kids so that I can take you on a field trip through time. Plutonium
powered DeLoreans are too expensive and time traveling phone booths are hugely
impractical so a Magic School Bus will have to do.
I want to go way back to the beginning, back into the time
when you did not have to wear clothes in polite society (and no, I am not
talking about the sixties), back into a time where there was nothing separating
Man and God. Other than getting to walk around naked naming animals all day,
have you ever thought about how amazing it had to have been in the Garden of
Eden where God literally could walk around and share the secrets of the
Universe with you? People had not been
around long enough to invite sin into the world so creation was still a perfect
place where a Holy God could dwell. Adam and Eve did not have to “pray” like we
do, they simply had to turn around and personally ask God whatever they wanted
to know. This was exactly what God wanted.
And then a talking snake that happened to be possessed by
Satan came into the scene and ruined everything. Suddenly the world was not so
perfect and God could not stay here anymore. It was not as though He did not want
to be with us, but a Holy and perfect God could not live in a place that had
been corrupted by evil. And so it was that we kicked God out of His own garden.
We robbed God of His companionship with his own creation when we chose to let
sin into the world and it would be a long time before God could get back what
we stole from Him.
Now we are going to hop back onto the Magic School Bus and
travel to the time of the Ark of the Covenant. If you traveled to the time of
Indiana Jones and saw a bunch of Nazi’s getting their faces melted off upon
opening the Ark you went too far and I am sorry for that rather disturbing
image you had to witness. No, we are going back to the time of Moses where God
has only recently freed His people from the bondage of Egyptian slavery and now
the nation of Israel has found itself wandering in the desert. God found a way
to get back with His people by teaching some gifted craftsmen how to build what
we now know as the Ark. It was a gold box that literally held the manifested
presence of God that the people were to carry with them wherever they went. The
world was not perfect yet, but this little box was and God was able to get a
small foothold back into His own Creation. What is absolutely amazing is that
God loved Humanity so much that He was willing to squeeze Himself into a tiny
man-made box just so that He could be with His people.
The next stop on this magical journey through time is after
the Israelites have settled down and it is time to give God a better dwelling place
so Solomon starts building the Temple. It is a big magnificent building
unmatched by any building ever built and has a room called the Holy of Holies
that the presence of God saturates like a cloud. It is better than being stuck
in a box but there are still some problems with being in a man- made structure,
mainly that it can be burnt down (which of course did happen, twice) and that
only the priests could enter into the Holy of Holies while everyone else had to
wait outside. God still could not walk around with His people.
That was of course until a baby named Jesus showed up in a
feeding trough and changed everything. Now we have God literally walking around
with His people as a man. He ate, He slept, He joked around and had friendship
restored with Humanity. But then He died. He came back, and then left again.
God had something bigger in mind because 50 days later the most incredible
thing in history happened. God “poured out His Spirit” just like He promised on
what we now know as “Pentecost.” Now God got to be inside of His people. We
were made perfect like the Garden, our hearts became the Ark, our bodies became
the Temple, and God was doing something in His Creation that even Adam and Eve
did not get to be a part of. They could be with God, but we can have Him living
and breathing inside of us.
Now the Magic School Bus has landed at my kitchen table this
very morning and we see me sitting down with sleepy eyes and an open Bible. I
am having what I call my “quiet time with God.” It is a cute little routine
where I crawl out of bed and try and spend a couple minutes reading the Bible
and telling God how much I want to serve Him. I would love to tell you that I
depend on this time for my sustenance, that I thirst for this time like a deer
panting for water, but if I were really honest what I really depend on to get
me going is what is brewing behind me in my coffee pot. I used to tell people
that I was not addicted to coffee but that is a lie. I need it every morning if
I am going to be any kind of social and that is really what I look forward to
when I wake up.
I wish that I could tell you that I woke up every day
longing for the presence of a God who has done everything possible to be with
me but I can’t. I wish I could tell you that my “quiet time” was comparable to
literally sitting at the feet of the God of the Universe every morning but it
isn’t. I wish that I could say that those 30 minutes every morning redefine my
entire day and that I live my life differently because I spent them with God
but sometimes I feel like I am living life all by myself without really being
with the God I talk about. I wish that I could tell you that God had not wasted
all of His efforts in wanting to be with me. I realized that I have
French-pressed God Almighty into another box, only this one is much smaller. It
is the box of my life.
I have tried to squeeze God into a tiny corner of my day
when He wants to be my everything in every circumstance. He wants every part of
my day and everything I do to be done with the idea that He is actually with me
in mind. Sadly, God does not always have every part of my to-do list. God does
not want me to just schedule more time to “be with Him,” but just to realize
that in everything I do He is already with me living through me. I have His
presence with me at all times and I need to take that presence into places
where He would not be allowed otherwise.
This changes my
“quiet time” completely. Instead of trying to muster up the motivation to give
Him a couple minutes of my day, I want to let God be fully alive through me at
every point in my routine. He has gone through a whole lot to get the time that
belongs to Him anyway, I might as well return the favor.
Are you guilty of squeezing God back into a box of your
schedule or priorities?
What areas of your life have you allowed to function without
God being an active part?
Have you realized everything that God has done just to spend
time with you?
Comment below with your response.
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