Thursday, March 20, 2014

Why Cyberspace Can Be Good For Christianity

 People have been writing for years about how scary the world is going to get once computers become smarter than us and start controlling our brains. Maybe we are already there and we are all slimy pale white Keanus living our life in little pods while the Matrix controls all of our perceptions and reality. Maybe the Borg have already made their way to planet Earth and are assimilating us all into their bio robotic space cube that once captured Captain Picard in Star Trek The Next Generation. Maybe our computers are playing a joke on humanity by hypnotizing us into flooding the internet with selfie duck-faces and pictures of cats.
People have been fearing this kind of powerful technology for so long that even the word “cyber” seems retro and nostalgic.
And of course we have cause to be uneasy. Relationships between people are changing drastically. Identity theft and manipulation is easier than it has ever been before. The Government can spy on your every move. People are running into people and light poles more than ever because they are trying to walk and snapchat at the same time. The struggle is real in an internet world.
None of this is new and tons of people have already written about the dangerous effects of what our technological future will hold but I like to do my own thing. Call me blindly optimistic or youthfully naïve but I have been thinking and I have come to the conclusion that cyberspace might do some good for Christianity.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Minor Scales

When I was thirteen I received my first guitar and it was magical.

The moment was magical, not the guitar itself but that would have been cool too.

I do not remember a time that I was not wooed by face melting guitar soloes reminiscent of the era of big hair and spandex. I always wanted to be Marty Mcfly knocking the socks off his parent's sock hop.

So I cheated.